Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Week of February 6th: Capstone project: Autumn Campbell: Needs of an animal shelter

Week of February 6th: Junior class fundraiser: Carnation sale

February 7th: Distance Learning day

February 11: Winter ball, 6-9 PM – CANCELLED

Week of February 13: Capstone Project: Mya Vincent: NICU needs

Week of February 20: Vacation

Week Of February 27: Capstone Project: Lily Dewar: Hygiene help shelf for Winman Middle schoolers

March 1:  National History Day judging

March 4: Capstone Project: Ethan Poole: Toll Gate Music festival, 11AM-4PM

March 8: Interims

March 14: Distance Learning Day

March 17: Shakespeare day

March 24-25: Drama club play: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

March 31: Blood drive

April 1: National History Day State Competition: 8:30AM-3:30 PM

April 18: First day of Fourth quarter