Should Teens have a Job in High School?
November 29, 2022
The question has been posed to many teens across the country; should acquiring a job be a priority? Everyone in schooling is busy in their own ways; sports, extra curricular activities, social lives, etc. Although they might have the weekend to work, who wants to spend their time working when they can be spending their time relaxing or with family and friends?
In order to go out and spend time with people, money is required. For many, asking their parents for twenty bucks every time they want to go to the movies is not an option. The next best choice is to get a job. This can be difficult during the school year due to the fact that most companies are not looking for workers after school, but for older people who can work morning shifts. Once a workplace hires you, it can be a positive change in your life. You not only meet new people but you have access to more possibilities because of the money. Lyla Costa agrees by saying, “Teenagers go out a lot, so they need money. [If they have a job], they don’t have to keep asking their parents for it. They can have their own responsibilities and independence to do as they please and buy whatever they want.”
While jobs can be a teen’s gateway to a life of productivity and well-being, the stress of having homework, extracurricular activities, and a job is too much for many. Sports often require students to be present at practices/games for 4+ days of the week. Working the 3 days that students get off from sports is unappealing and can physically drain the student. Not only can it be physically draining, but mentally too. Having to work can sometimes leave little room to those in higher-level classes that assign additional work. To get a better understanding of how students without jobs feel, we asked Jareska Zuniga who stated, “I don’t think teens should have jobs, unless they plan on going out a lot. Most teens are in difficult classes, where they need to focus on their school work, to make sure it is done to the best of their ability. They don’t need work to stress them out.”
While getting a job might not be in the realm of possibility for all teens, many Toll Gate students believe that if you are living under the circumstances to do so, you should get a job. Although it is something that takes away from free time, working teaches teens how to adapt to a workplace environment and how to manage their money. It introduces them to one of the most important concepts of adult life, financial literacy. Most importantly, working pays, and teens buy things more than they probably should. The continuous debate on whether or not to work has lasted forever; what do you think?
Mason Enos • Nov 29, 2022 at 12:02 pm
honestly, i totally believe that teens should get a job. coming from someone who works for his own dad i think that in times when i feel stressed about homework and sports & the job, i just take the time to communicte that to my parents. they help me work it out. (me personally)
matter a factly i started indoor track & field yesterday and afterwords i was stressed due to running and after all that, working.
And to the people who feel a job might be a huge responsibility, You´ll get through it….
*SmileFace Emoji ;)*