On November 20th, 2023, Toll Gate hosted its third annual Turkey Bowl, powder puff style. This day was particularly chilly, but nothing a little hot cocoa couldn’t fix at the price of only a dollar. One team consisted of seniors of the 2024 class, with the rest of the participating student body against them. For cheerleaders, boys were coached by Toll Gate’s very own cheer captains. The announcers were led by Mr. Aquilante, narrating each play the teams made. Students filled the bleachers, cheering on their desired players while shivering from the cold temperatures. In the end, the seniors reigned victorious, making a fun yet predictable game come to an end. A big shout is in order for Miss Catanzaro for organizing the teams and players via google form. When the time comes, don’t forget to sign up for the 2024 Annual Turkey Bowl, where we’ll challenge the class of 2025.
Turkey Bowl
January 19, 2024
Turkey Bowl